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My Story

I began my journey with horses at ten years of age cleaning, washing, and caring for them in Mallorca, Spain.  From that moment, I found myself captivated by the graceful creatures that shared my world. I consider my journey into the world of horsemanship not merely a hobby; but a destiny forged by my deep connection to these majestic animals.


My dedication to understanding horses led me through a diverse array of training disciplines, beginning with more traditional western methods leading me to complete the full course work of Jonathan Field.  Each step of my journey illuminated different facets of the equine spirit.


I trained in western dressage and successfully competed at the 2014 WDAA World Championships where I placed seventh overall and scored my highest marks in Harmony.  Harmony became my calling.  As I progressed, my passion and desire for a deep spiritual connection with horses led me to Carolyn Resnick and the Resnick Method.   I was deeply influenced by Carolyn Resnick’s groundbreaking book, “Naked Liberty,” and immersed myself in Carolyn Resnick’s training methodology. This shift marked a turning point in my career, as I embraced a holistic approach focused on nurturing trust, respect, and an unspoken connection.  Today, I am one of only two Certified Carolyn Resnick Trainers in the United States.


My passion to share what I have experienced has led me to establish myself as a Carolyn  Resnick trainer, that is focused on educating and inspiring others, sharing her invaluable insights and knowledge with fellow horse enthusiasts, trainers, and riders who seek to explore the depths of equine communication.

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